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We explain the connection between the hummingbird and OurYogaShop:
"- Why a hummingbird?"
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Hummingbird Symbolism & Meaning

- The Hummingbird Spirit Animal

The hummingbird symbolizes joy, healing, good luck, messages from spirits, and other special qualities. It’s no surprise that hummingbird symbolism and meaning are important to people around the world. Just as the hummingbird spirit animal is a sacred totem for many. While they are tiny beings, hummingbirds pack a lot of powerful, positive energy.

In this post, you’ll find a detailed guide on hummingbird symbolism, spiritual meanings, and cultural mythology. Plus, you’ll learn more about what hummingbird encounters may mean in your life.✨

After every episode we will explain the connections between this marvelous animal and OurYogaShop

Hummingbird symbolism and meaning vary from culture to culture, and they have can different meanings for individuals on a personal level. However, here are some universal hummingbird meanings to people around the world:

Good Luck

What does it mean when you see a hummingbird?

If a hummingbird makes themselves known to you, pay attention. There are no coincidences. Seeing a hummingbird in real life, in a dream, art, or the media that rivets your attention is an experience worth exploring. Hummingbirds are always positive symbols and good omens. The following are details about commonly shared hummingbird meanings, and you can read more about their cultural significance below. ?‍♀️

Detailed Hummingbird Symbols and Meanings

- Vibrance and Variety

While they are tiny, hummingbirds are noticeable because they come in a vibrant array of jewel-like colors. In addition, they are associated with the colorful flowers from which they get nectar and, in turn, pollinate. Because of this, hummingbirds are symbols of vibrancy and variety.

The Connection to OurYogaShop

We have never been the same as others.
we are constantly changing and love vibrant colors.
They can´t get a grip on us - we come in a new vibrant costume.

"OurYogaShop is Creativity itself"

Vibrant & Variable

The Splendor of Diversity

- Be divergent!

The hummingbird spirit reminds us to welcome diversity in our lives and to honor the richness of variety. Too much routine has the potential to drag us down and put things on autopilot, so we stop evolving. The hummingbird spirit is the antithesis of falling into a rut!

After all, if the hummingbird didn’t visit multiple blossoms, it would limit their capacity to pollinate more flowers, thus hindering growth. The hummingbird spirit animal is a reminder that if you feel stuck in some way or you don’t have answers – do something different. Switch up your routine!

The Connection to OurYogaShop

Sometimes you may wonder: - Where are they?
We are Diversity. We are Divergent.
We never get stuck on one flower and do the same routine.
Constantly changing and doing new stuff.

Always in a new shape!

...don´t expect us to be the same.

Hummingbird Meaning: Flirtatiousness

- From blossom to blossom

The hummingbird is also a symbol of flirtatiousness. These tiny birds fly quickly from blossom to blossom, enjoying the nectar of a variety of flowers. In fact, unlike ravens and eagles, hummingbirds do not mate for life. Now, seeing a hummingbird doesn’t mean you should go out and have an affair or avoid a commitment! Rather, the hummingbird spirit animal may be telling you to lighten up and have a little more fun. Instead of viewing your relationship as “serious” why not view it as flirtatious and fun?

If you’re single or dating, seeing a hummingbird can be a sign to not get into a serious relationship at this time, but instead to focus on meeting new people and widening your social circle.


- Don´t wait for the perfect conditions

Scientists have studied the aerodynamics of the hummingbird for decades. Like dragonflies and owls, the hummingbird possesses special flying skills. Even in extremely windy conditions, they can stabilize themselves in midair while feeding. Essentially, they are able to adjust in varying conditions to achieve their goals.

Seeing a hummingbird can be a reminder that life is not about waiting for the perfect conditions. Instead of focusing on resisting challenges, consider how you can handle them with grace and agility. By doing this, you can achieve your goals. The hummingbird spirit animal also says, if there is an opportunity in front of you, don’t wait. Be agile and seize the moment.

The Connection to OurYogaShop

"Even in extremely windy conditions, they can stabilize themselves in midair while feeding. Essentially, they are able to adjust in varying conditions to achieve their goals."

OurYogaShop is heavily oppressed by the companies that are part of the WEF.

In fact, we shouldn't be able to fly at all under the conditions we're in at the moment.

But we do.

We are NOT flirtatious - You can relay in us. ?

Still flying...

...even if the wind is blowing hard.

Speed, Energy, and Effectiveness

- Very important to the ecosystems in which they live

Some species of hummingbirds have hearts that beat over 1,200 times per minute, and they inhale and exhale as much as 250 breaths per minute.1 Needless to say, this is a very speedy little bird. In addition to being fast, the hummingbird is very important to the ecosystems in which they live. As a pollinator, the hummingbird serves a vital role alongside the bee and the butterfly. They are foundational to supporting life on Earth.

The hummingbird power animal is a reminder that although you may feel small or insignificant at times – one person can have a big impact. Whatever your dreams are – even if they may seem small by other people’s standards, the hummingbird tells you to get busy. Use your positive energy to achieve your aims.

The Connection to OurYogaShop

We stabilize the economical ecosystem within yoga & business.

OurYogaShop may be small or insignificant at times – still one company can have a big impact!

Hopefully you can take a look at what we do - and do the same!

Please follow our example 

...and take stand for your rights - before itś to late.

A Few Words on Rest…

As quick and busy as they are, the hummingbird must also rest. In fact, when food is not available, a hummingbird can slow their metabolisms and enter a hibernating, deep-sleep state, which is called torpor.

You may be a high-energy person who thrives on going, going, going. The hummingbird spirit reminds you to give yourself some down time. Rest and relaxation are essential for keeping yourself healthy – mentally, emotionally, and physically. Remember to take the time to recharge so you can primed to accomplish your dreams.

Hummingbird Meaning:

Health, Healing, and Vitality

The hummingbird has co-evolved with flowers. In a sublime, harmonious partnership, the hummingbird gets nectar from the flower and, in return, the hummingbird pollinates more flowers, which extends their life force. This is why the hummingbird is a symbol of health, healing, and vitality.

Hummingbird meaning also reminds you to be conscious of what you seek for stimulation and nourishment, whether it’s food, substances, things, or relationships. Is it a truly symbiotic, balanced, and mutually healthy relationship? If not, be like a hummingbird and quickly move on. Balance, harmony, and reciprocity do exist. You just have to be willing to leave the situations that are unhealthy to find the ones that will nourish you.

Joy, Sweetness, and Good Luck

A beloved bird to many, the hummingbird is also a symbol of good luck. These nectar-drinking birds are reminders to live la dolce vita – the sweet life. Life can be hard on the Earthly plane. Yet the hummingbird, with their vibrant, humming presence, reminds us to focus on the joy in life. When we live in a joyful state, it’s easier for good luck to find us.

The hummingbird spirit animal reminds you that good luck happens when you are receptive and open to the wonders in life. An affirmation of the hummingbird is, “I make good luck happen.”

The Connection to OurYogaShop

When WEF connected companies try to starve us out - we go to the state "torpor".

We nourish from relationships. You are important for us to continue. Itś us together.

OurYogaShop is a symbol of good luck. As long as you see us - the light is on.

Joy, Sweetness, and Good Luck

A beloved bird to many, the hummingbird is also a symbol of good luck. These nectar-drinking birds are reminders to live la dolce vita – the sweet life. Life can be hard on the Earthly plane. Yet the hummingbird, with their vibrant, humming presence, reminds us to focus on the joy in life. When we live in a joyful state, it’s easier for good luck to find us.

The hummingbird spirit animal reminds you that good luck happens when you are receptive and open to the wonders in life. An affirmation of the hummingbird is, “I make good luck happen.”

OurYogaShop means "Good Luck"

...as long as we are around - there is light!

Hummingbird Power Animal

joy variety & healing.

As the name implies, a power animal can inspire you with their most dynamic traits. So, if you want to transform an area of your life, mediate on the attributes that the power animal represents. For example, as a symbol of joy, variety, and healing, the hummingbird power animal is a dynamic symbol for bringing more happiness and vitality into your life.

Angels, Spirits, and Messages

Messenger from above.

Like the butterfly, the hummingbird is also seen as a messenger from your spirit guides. Hummingbirds are here in their Earthly manifestations for three-to-five years. So, if you have an opportunity to meet a hummingbird in their lifetime, say a prayer of thanks, and think of those you love who have transitioned to the spirit world. The hummingbird is a beautiful reminder that your spirit guides are present.

Hummingbird Spirit Animal

Native believes

According to Native American traditions, you don’t necessarily chose your spirit animals; rather, they choose you. This might happen on a vision quest or when a particular animal captures your attention and has a profound effect on your life. It’s important to be receptive to what the interaction can mean instead of just brushing it aside.

Whether you know already that the hummingbird is your spirit animal, or one has suddenly entered your life, delving into hummingbird symbols and meanings can give you insights into an issue that’s on your mind or guidance on your soul’s journey. Hummingbirds are always positive signs. With their beautiful colors and vibrating wings, they remind us to step outside of our thoughts and notice the wonders around us.

Native Americans revere nature and animals. Thus, their culture has many vivid stories about the power of animal spirits and the profound role they play in human life. While Native American cultures are quite diverse, the hummingbird is viewed as a helpful spirit guide and messenger by many tribes, as well a healer and a source of good luck

The Taino Nation, who are an Indigenous People from the Caribbean, revered the hummingbird as a symbol of fertility for all life. According to Taino legends, the hummingbird started out as a fly, but Father Sun, whom they call Agueybaba, transformed him into a tiny bird.

For the Taino, the hummingbird is a symbol of rebirth, and even though they are small, they have the fierce heart of an eagle. The Taino People call their warriors the “Colibri” Warriors, which translates to Hummingbird Warriors.


...we have totally changed our business model to serve you and not the big companies.

Hummingbird Dream Meaning

emotions in dreams

If you dream of a hummingbird, consider the emotions you felt in the dream. Those feelings can give you insight into what the hummingbird in the dream might symbolize for you. For example, did you feel fear or happiness? Anxiety or wonder? Dreams can reveal things that we’re not actively addressing in our conscious, awake state – but that we should address.

Consider some of the common hummingbird symbols described in this post and reflect on the related areas of your life. Even anxious dreams can be gifts. They can prompt us to take the time to be objective observers of our own thoughts, so that we can improve areas of our life.

Many psychic mediums say that you should pay particular attention to your vivid dreams. If you dream of people you know or a pet (living or those who have passed) or a creature such as a hummingbird or butterfly, it may mean you connected as souls on the astral plane.

The Connection to OurYogaShop

We got a message: RESTORE
We just left the state: Back to Basic
The Hummingbird came to us - it spoke to us - it connected and gave us the strength to go further in our beliefs that:
We are all ONE.
When darkness falls - the light, even if it is only one, will shine in the darkness, strong and bright.
The light will always overcome the darkness.
So itś written.

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Tell your Friends, Yoga Teacher & Yoga Studio about the great news! ?‍♀️?‍♂️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

RESTORE – before it is all taken away. ❤


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Hang on in there...- Next blog post we will explainHow it works on the internet and how your money disappear into the pockets of vampires...

...we will give you a glance of what is happening behind the scenery.