OurYogaShop- a Wholesaler and WebShop from...?

Do you know where OurYogaShop comes from?
- Take your chance to win a yoga mat!

When you look at a globe in a picture, you never or rarely see Sweden.

The city Borås is disappearing and you maybe see Gothenburg. Or maybe just Stockholm.

You definitely do not see OurYogaShop.

A brief summary of this blog post

We explain the brand OurYogaShop and offer you a possibility to win a yoga mat:
"- From where is OurYogaShop?"
You get all answers here. ???

Now we are totally dependent on you!Please tell everyone you now that we are the right choice.

OurYogaShop - Yours & Mine

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How many yoga wholesalers do you find in Sweden?

I think most of  you would say: There is 1.

Well no. There is more.

OurYogaShop has been a wholesaler for yoga teachers and yoga studios since 2009.

But we keep on disappearing on the Swedish yoga map.

It is strange – because OurYogaShop really works for the yoga society – we offer high quality yoga products and make sure the profit stays within the yoga sphere – giving better deals for the yoga teachers and yoga studios. ✨

Why Borås?

Borås is most famous for the textile industry. But it is now history.

Nowadays youĺl find big logistic and high end technology companies here. The wings of history is still beating for design and textile in this small town and there is places like: Textile Fashion Center & The Textile Museum.

Yoga in Borås

But why Borås?

OurYogaShop is from Borås because this is the place where we as yoga teachers run our yoga studio: usyoga.se so we really understand the needs.

Borås is also in the center of logistics for Northern Europe – so it is a good place to be if you would like to reach out with yoga products to customers. And fast.

Maybe we forgot to say? Borås is a City in the southwest of Sweden. ?‍♀️

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OurYogaShop – On planet Earth

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    From which country is OurYogaShop?

    From which city is OurYogaShop?

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    We want to be different - by acting different!

    ...no more money to investors, analysts, Google, Facebook, Instagram or Amazon.

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    We have a form to fill out – so that EVERY Teacher or Studio can be supported!

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    We call it Customer Love! ❤

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    Now Yoga Teachers will get all the benfit!

    ...and you will get 10% discount - read more about it!

    Hang on in there...- Next blog post we will explainHow it works on the internet and how your money disappear into the pockets of vampires...

    ...we will give you a glance of what is happening behind the scenery.