
Meditation Cushion Buckwheat in Store

Meditation Cushion Buckwheat in Store - both smaller in crescent shape and bigger in gibbous shape @OurYogaShop

What is kapok in yoga products?

Why are kapok used as filling in yoga products? - Now you get all the answers! Kapok is probably the best filling in a yoga product. Recommended to allergic…

What funtions does bucwheat fill in yoga bolsters?

What function does buckwheat fill in yoga products?

Why are buckwheat shells used as filling in yoga products? - Now you get all the answers! Did you have a clue about all the fantastic effects buckwheat has in…

OOO Yoga Bolster Round & Rectangular in Store

OOO Yoga Bolster Round & Rectangular in Store @OurYogaShop

Manduka Bolsters Round & Rectangular in Store

Manduka Bolsters Round & Rectangular in Store

Manduka Bolsters Round & Rectangular in Store @OurYogaShop